Graphite crucibles, latch rods Graphite crucibles often have a cylindrical or conical shape. Crucibles are used in processes involving heating, drying, burning, and melting various metals. This product is widely used in metallurgy, jewelry, and laboratory industries. Crucibles are widely used in metallurgical, jewelry, and laboratory equipment. Processes such as heating, drying, burning, and melting various metals and alloys are carried out in these containers. The main requirements for graphite crucibles are: - Chemical stability.
- Resistance to high temperatures.
- Absence of interaction with the material processed in the crucible.
Depending on the grade of graphite used in manufacturing, crucibles are used for melting black, colored, and precious metals, as well as various alloys. Graphite grades commonly used in crucible production include: - EG. Products made from this grade of graphite are suitable for melting only certain types of metal.
- MG. Products from this grade of graphite are designed for processing and synthesizing particularly pure materials.
- MPG. One of the best grades of graphite, characterized by chemical stability. Crucibles made from this grade of graphite are resistant to high temperatures and can withstand a large number of thermal cycles.
In addition to graphite crucibles and rods, graphite filaments and forms are widely used in jewelry production. Our company is ready to manufacture graphite crucibles, rods, and filaments according to your drawings for equipment such as OPTICOM, INDUTHERM, GALLONI, ITALIMPIANTI, SCHULTHEISS, CIMO, YASUI, TOP CAST, NEUTEC, CEIA, IECO, BERTONCHELLO, OPDEL, and other manufacturers. The LEG Ltd produces graphite items for jewelry industry of any complexity. These items are made of high quality graphite, that results in longer durability.
The firm produces graphite crucibles, which are used mainly in vacuum and high frequency owns or in the owns with protected atmosphere under the temperature up to 2000 °С. It also produces latch rods and any other graphite accessories.
All items are manufactured merely according to the customer’s scratches. | |  |