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Antifriction graphites Var-253y

LEG ltd together with STC Vuglets Ltd manufacture VAR-253y material according to technical specification TS 16-538.008-75. From billets and slabs we are manufacturing parts for ends and radial seals.

The main purpose of this material - turbojet engines AL-21-F3. At the moment, the material has been used successfully in the repairs of engines Ukrainian and Polish companies. Rings and parts are designed to work in conditions of sliding friction, with and without lubricants, at circumferential velocity up to 80 m/s and a temperature of gas environment up to 300 °C. 

Our company produces a billet of rings, plates, finished goods from them according to customer drawings.
LEG ltd together with SC STC Vuglets manufacture VAR-253y material

MaterialDensity g/cm3, 
Compresive resistance, MPa, 
av, in selection
Acceptable operating 
temperature, °С
Air-tightness under 
nitrogen pressure
Manganess weight
content, % av. in selection
Water uptake, %
av.in selection
Electrical resistivity, 
mkOm*m, not more