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Brush Holders Brush holder РТ 20x32

Brush holder РТ 20x32 with a roll сonstant-force spring

Picture 1. РТ 20x32 brush holder as a set (body and screwdown mechanism with a constant-force roll spring)

The experts of Company LEG ltd. have developed the РТ 20x32 brush holder with a roll constant-force spring, which, in its turn, allows to prolong the service life of BCD (brush-contact device) and of brush itself. The given brush holder is fit for turbine generators, including high-power ones (from 200 MWt), allows to install a brush of bigger radial size (up to 100 mm), provides a smooth and constant pressure on an electrical brush.
The РТ 20x32 brush holder is a unified modification of the brush holder GH931 20x32 (manufactured by Mersen, France (former Carbon Lorraine)) and can substitute for ДБ 20x32 brush holder.
The expected service life of brush holder body produced by Company LEG ltd. - not less than 5 years, of spring box - not less than 3 years (Technical conditions ТУ У 27.1.-14111810-007:2019)

Structural features of РТ 20x32 brush holder:
  • modular design;
  • robust construction, material - brass;
  • on request - can be completed with an integrated indication/wear signaling appliance for safety assurance;
  • spring box is constructed to include a roll constant-force spring to provide a constant press force on the electrical brush in the course of operation;
  • сlamping flexibility (can be mounted in electric machines by both OJSC Electrosila and SE Plant Electrotyazhmash, see picture 2, 3);
  • spring box construction facilitates its convenient installation/removal and access to an electrical brush (improved ergonomic spring box with a bend to fit for fingertips, see picture 4,5);
  • spring box is fastened on the brush holder body for easy brush replacement and checking on the spring box every time the brush is replaced;
  • construction makes possible replacement of a spring box without replacement of a brush holder body;
  • brush holder construction intends brush replacement on an operational unit, for example, in a turbine generator;
  • construction permits installation of brushes up to 100 mm in height to prolong maintenance intervals.

It is recommended to use РТ 20x32 brush holders along with electrical brushes equipped with nylon rubber plate of type НК-8 produced by Company LEG ltd. The НК-8 plate functions out of close touch with brush contact, damps vibration and prolongs the brush service life, which, in its turn, reduces the maintenance cost.
The given plate can successfully substitute for metal plates НК-1, НК-2 and rubber plates НК-6, НК-7 in all kinds of brush model types.

Picture 2. РТ 20x32 brush holder as a set. Back view (clamping)Picture 3. РТ 20x32 brush holder. Flexibility of clamping in electric machines by various manufacturersPicture 4. Conventional and improved screwdown mechanism with ergonomic bend for fingertipsPicture 5. РТ 20x32 brush holder with a roll spring bended to adjust fingertips and conventional screwdown mechanism
Picture 2. РТ 20x32 brush holder as a set. Back view (clamping)
Picture 3. РТ 20x32 brush holder. Flexibility of clamping in electric machines by various manufacturersPicture 4. Conventional and improved screwdown mechanism with ergonomic bend for fingertipsPicture 5. РТ 20x32 brush holder with a roll spring bended to adjust fingertips and conventional screwdown mechanism